Next weekend I’ll be having a ton of fun with Room D101 at Continuum. Room D101 this time out is actually a room and I’ve got Ginger Matt and
helping me out by running games of Monkey and SimpleQuest respectively. All in all were running eight games between us.
Continnum also see the debut of Hearts in Glorantha. The box of the magazine came back from the printers yesterday, a proud moment tinged with a bit of self doubt about how I’m going to take this on the train with me. Fortunatly its a very light box so its more bulk. Oh well we’ll get there 🙂
The creative forge that is InDesign has been hot this week, since I’m throwing together SimpleQuest Zero Edition, effectively the final game without the creature, setting and adventure chapters and a basic layout which I may stick with for the final book. Plan is here to print of copies for me,
and our players and then do a very small run of about five for sale at a very low cost (say £5) for those people who are very interested for sale at Continuum then make the Pdf available through the website. After Continuum I’ll finish off the book for a Sept/Oct release. By releasing a Zero Edition, I hopefully trap allot more typos and reduce the errata in the final edition as well as giveing interested parties something to work with. On the adventure front Dead Pot Country and Life and Death have both been finished off in first draft form for Continuum This means that very quickly after SQ core is released, I’ll be able to put both the Shattered Lands setting book (which DPC is the adventure for) and Life and Death together.
Monkey which has been cuckooed out of the development nest since HiG & SQ turned up on the scene, got a look in this week as I preped characters and finished off a write up of Ministry of Thunder for Ginger Matt. Through the wonders of Skype I’ll be running through the game with him today/tommorrow, but I have no worries. the system is pretty straight forward and GM is a veteran Feng Shui gamesmaster.
The plan is to get all the final bits of writing done this weekend. A plan that may not go as smoothly since the sun is shining and there’s a jungle in my back gardern. But I reckon even with this, I should have everything printed off and packed up by Wednesday latest. Which should give time for some fun stuff like T-shirts and posters.:) My only problem now is keeping a track of money and resisting the urge to splash out on large posters that I don’t need.
The final thing I need to do, which I can do in a quiet moment at work, before Continnum is set up the D101games forums, if only for feedback/discussion about Hearts in Glorantha.