How are all the various projects going?

I’m having fun doing them….when small family let me get away. Had the nasty one of my main machine finally dying over the weekend, which put a spanner in the works, but resolueltly I march on.  Missus going back to work should set increased writing time, and gaming group is on hiatus until June. So May is offically ‘get stuff done’ month.


 is doing a grand job of editing the chapters, leading to me doing my rewrite this week, with layout at the end of the month. Simon’s delivered the goods on the art front with some nicely evocative pieces. Fingers crossed will be out in July (as in you can order a book from Lulu out).

Shattered Lands & Life and Death. Currently on hiatus, but will see some development work since I’m running L&D and Dead Pot County, the Scenario that will be part of Shattered Lands, at Continuum. Big news for Shattered Lands is that its going back to being its own book and will not be released under the OGL.  After Continuum I’ll be getting both these books finished for probably a winter release. I say probably since I don’t want to rush either of them.

Monkey. Unfortunately wont’ be out for Continuum. Watching the final editing process of SimpleQuest has really made me realise how much work needs doing and how I don’t want to rush it. But what I hope to do before Continuum is a revision of the rules, implementing some of the ideas that came out in the last playtest and feedback from the Mighty Monkey Army, and make that available as a plain Pdf for testing, comment and buzz.  The ‘serious’ work starts after Continuum, so brace your self for more meaningful updates then.

Hearts in Glorantha. End of May is the deadline for submissions. As well as my Karia stuff, Greg Stafford already submitted a piece as has Jeff Richards and John Ottoway (author of Cthulhu Rising). Got about 10 others beavering away as we speak so we’ll see what happens at the end of the month when stuff starts hitting my intray.  Still open to submissions

Other than that my final thing at the moment is egging

 on in the development of Wordplay, which seems to be coming on tidily.

In the meantime I promise on the life of my first born that I shall not take on board any more projects.

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Games Designer, Publisher, Web Developer, Dad.

5 thoughts on “How are all the various projects going?”

  1. Hello from South Korea. I’m from the Mongoose Publishing board. I was Wuxia there. I came to see what I can find out about the Monkey rpg. I was helping writing the combat section for another company writing one a few years back, then they just lost interest I think. I’m very interested to see any kind of preview available if there is anything or even write a bit if you need more detailed martial arts rules.

    Kisa-Do (The Way of the Knight in Korean)

  2. More than happy to have another set of eyes looking over the rules.

    The martial arts rules for Monkey are quite simple, as is the whole game on a whole, the idea being to have rules that support a colourful storytelling style.

    If you are interested in helping drop me a line at and I’ll get you a copy of the rules.

  3. Hi I was wondering if you have anything ready yet? I’m anxiously waiting to see what there is or if I can help.
    I sent an e-mail to but no reply yet.Maybe it didn’t get to him.


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