State of D101 Games address 2008 pt2 : The Shattered Lands

Much better news here.

The Shattered Lands material has benefited immensely from being the setting I’ve used for my SimpleQuest playtesting.

Life and  Death has made a couple of appearances so far. As written its a game in three acts, and the games so far have been from Act 1. So the adventure has a lot of mileage in it! When the time comes it is pretty well good to go, and nicely shaping up to the finished product.

The Shattered Lands
sourcebook itself is shaping up nicely. The intro which is available as the preview on the d101 games website is done and dusted. The adventure Dead Pot Country is nearly a complete first draft and is getting a playtest at Conception, courtesy of that nice man Neil Ford, and at GoPlayManchester in Feb. All I’ve got to do now is lots of fun writing about Aztar, a sample city, Cults and more about the cultures and people who live in the setting.

I’ve got to find  an artist to illustrate the books. I did have one in mind, who I contacted via email but never got a reply 🙁 Ho hum, I’ll try again when I’ve got the text nearer to completion.

So the good news here, is that once SQ is out of the door The Shattered Lands and Life and Death should, artist permitting, follow quickly after in the months that follow.

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Games Designer, Publisher, Web Developer, Dad.

3 thoughts on “State of D101 Games address 2008 pt2 : The Shattered Lands”

  1. The adventure Dead Pot Country is nearly a complete first draft and is getting a playtest at Conception, courtesy of that nice man Neil Ford, and at GoPlayManchester in Feb

    Mr Ford has finally looked at the copy he has and realised it’s a little light on detail! 🙂

    This afternoon’s playtest session will be very interesting. My fault for leaving things until the last minute.

    – Neil.

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