Furnace 2007 pt1: Monkey Furnace Edition

This is the first in a series of reports coming out of chats/actual play that happened at Furnace 2007.

Furnace 2007 in short was mindblowingly good. My mind has been a happy mess ever since the con ended, and I’ve spent the last couple of days reflecting on ideas that came out of the con. If Furnace 2006 relit my d101games aspirations, Furnace 2008 put a rocket up my arse!!!

So how did the Five ashcan versions of Monkey do at Furnace?

The nice chaps on the Collective Endeavour stall sold three out of the five ashcans I took to Furnace. Two were to people who had played in the morning game, and another seems to have gone to an interested passer by. The money I earnt from this got plowed back into buying various CE games. I sold an ashcan, I bought a game. Hence I picked up Mob Justice, Questers of the Middle Realms and Dead of the Night using this logic.

I grabbed a copy for a potential artist, to whom I must get a bundle of scanned Chinese artwork in the near future, and I kept a copy for myself.

Overall a raging success in my book and it was a worth while exercise in raising my confidence and me pulling my shit together to put something out after talking about the game for the last ten years.

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Games Designer, Publisher, Web Developer, Dad.

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